Actress Kareena Kapoor, popularly known as Bebo in Bollywood, has broken her silence on rumors of asking Rs 12 crore for the role of 'Sita' in the film.
According to Indian media, a few months ago there was a rumour that Kareena Kapoor demanded Rs 12 crore to play the role of 'Sita' in the film 'Ramayan'. This rumour spread like fire on social media after which The actress also faced severe criticism but Kareena Kapoor remained silent. However, now Kareena Kapoor has broken her silence on this rumour. During a recent interview, the actress said that I never clarified this rumour because the reason is that I was never offered this film.
Kareena Kapoor demanded 12 crore rupees for the role in the film.
Kareena Kapoor's response to those who called her 'bad'
Kareena Kapoor said, "I don't know why this rumour is being spread about me, but it's all a lie." The actress added that every day people look for some celebrity news on social media, but I really don't know. Why and where did this rumour come from? Let it be clear that Kareena Kapoor and Aamir Khan are all set for the release of their new film 'Lal Singh Chadha'. Lal Singh Chadha is directed by Advait Chandan and this film will release on the 11th of this month. It is slated to release in August 2022.